Natural Breeder of Top Quality Golden Retrievers in New England
We are located in New Hampshire USA
Member of Yankee Golden Retriever Club


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puppy application


Before you fill out the puppy application please read below....

Before applying for a Golden-B-Bear puppy, please take the time to make sure this decision is good for the whole family.  This is a big commitment for the life of your new pet.  The cost and care of a pet is not to go unnoticed.  I recommend families take time to learn about what is involved in caring for a golden retriever.  Providing a safe environment (fenced in area) for your pup/dog to run and play safely.   
Feeding a healthy raw diet (recommended by breeder) and supplements.  Grooming by a professional groomer every 4-6 weeks will also be highly recommended to keep your pet's skin and coat condition in optimal health.
Training, exercise and giving your new golden   socialization with family and outside world.  Regular checks up with a Holistic or integrative vet to help you follow a protocol (your breeder recommends) to keep your golden healthy for a long life.  Following your Holistic Vet's recommendations on minimal vaccines and annual or bi annual titers.
Keeping your breeder informed on the health of your puppy/dog.



Golden-B-Bear promotes the Holistic rearing of all our dogs.  I require my future puppy owners to follow a minimal low vaccination schedule and Nosode protocol and holistic alternatives. All future puppy buyers are to work with either a Holistic vet, Integrative vet or Vet who will be open to alternative medicine and rearing.  The link to the Holistic Veterinarians' Association members in the United States is  To find a veterinarian in your area, go to their web site and click on "Find a Vet".

  I require that all females be allowed to go through one to two heat cycles and to spay close to 2 YEARS old; and our males are to be neutered after  24 months of age, and no earlier.  I DO NOT SELL BREEDING STOCK.

Provide 24-hour supervision.  For example, my puppies are not to be left alone all day while both adults are at work.  If this is the case, arrangements for day care by older children, grandparents, pet sitters, etc. are satisfactory.

Treat their puppy as part of the family unit.  My puppies are not to be tethered to a tree or doghouse, on outside runs or to be left out overnight.

In accordance with the Play Yard Policy of Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue, potential homes must have a physical fenced-in area large enough to safely exercise the dog.  To satisfy the fencing requirement, the physical fence must be a minimum of 4' high, have a lockable gate, and ideally be directly accessible from the home. I am ok with electric fencing following guidelines for supervised outdoor time.  I recognize that there may be exceptional applicants without physical fencing, so an experienced dog owner may request a fencing exemption with a detailed summary of how they have kept past dogs and how they will exercise a new dog, as well as a reference letter from their veterinarian.  First-time dog owners are not eligible for this exemption.

I do require that you sign up your puppy for puppy kindergarten classes with a certified dog trainer in your area.   It is very important for your puppy to experience puppy socialization and to continue training.  Puppies that attend puppy classes are much better trained and socialized then non participants.  


In order to stay on the list of a pending litter, prospective purchasers must complete and submit the puppy questionnaire and deposit.  I will notify you that your application has been accepted and once the breeding has taken place and again when the puppies are born.  Once  you agree to RESERVE a puppy, your deposit is non-refundable.  My time is valuable and I spend many hours working with you.  Also, if we reserve a dog for you, we have turned down other potential good homes for that puppy.

  A $500.00 deposit is required to hold a puppy.  

If you would like to be placed on our prospective purchasers list, please complete the puppy application.


 I look forward to meeting and talking with serious families only.  


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